Literaturverzeichnis zu Claire van Dijcks Artikel in 3/19
Bogensport Magazin

- The Invincibility of South Korea Archery Explained. (2018, november 15 ). https://www.olympicchannel.com/en/original-series/detail/land-of-legends-asia-pacific/land-of-legends-asia-pacific-season-season-1/episodes/the-invincibility-of-south-korea-archery-explained/.
- Mars, H. V. D., Darst, P., & Sariscsany, M. J. (1991). Practice behaviors of elite archers and their coaches. Journal of Sport Behavior, 14(2), S. 103.
- Otten, M. (2009). Choking vs. clutch performance: A study of sport performance under pressure. Journal of sport and exercise psychology, 31(5), S. 583-601.
- Cabri, J. P.-C. (2002, september 25-29). Emotional and somatic correlates of successful and unsuccessful performance in archers: an application of the IZOF model in elite archers. Kinesiology new perseptives , S. 775-780
- Peter Gröpel & Christopher Mesagno (2017): Choking interventions in sports: A systematic review, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/1750984X.2017.1408134
- Mesagno, C., & Beckmann, J. (2017). Choking under pressure: Theoretical models and interventions. Current opinion in psychology, 16, S. 170-175
- Nieuwenhuys, A., & Oudejans, R. R. (2011). Training with anxiety: short-and long-term effects on police officers’ shooting behavior under pressure. Cognitive processing, 12(3), S. 277-288.
- Oudejans, R. R., & Pijpers, J. R. (2010). Training with mild anxiety may prevent choking under higher levels of anxiety. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11(1), S. 44-50.
- Raôul R. D. Oudejans & J. Rob Pijpers (2009) Training with anxiety has a positive effect on expert perceptual–motor performance under pressure, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62:8, 1631-1647, DOI: 10.1080/17470210802557702
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- Behan, M., & Wilson, M. (2008). State anxiety and visual attention: The role of the quiet eye period in aiming to a far target. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(2), S. 207-215.
- Wilson, M. R., Vine, S. J., & Wood, G. (2009). The influence of anxiety on visual attentional control in basketball free throw shooting. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 31(2), S. 152-168.
- Vickers, J. N., & Williams, A. M. (2007). Performing under pressure: The effects of physiological arousal, cognitive anxiety, and gaze control in biathlon. Journal of motor behavior, 39(5), S. 381-394.
- Ericsson, K. A. (2003). Development of elite performance and deliberate practice: An update from the perspective of the expert performance approach. In J. Starkes & K. A. Ericsson (Eds.), Expert performance in sports: Advances in research on sports expertise (S. 49–84). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
- Harle, S. K., & Vickers, J. N. (2001). Training quiet eye improves accuracy in the basketball free throw. The Sport Psychologist, 15(3), S. 289-305
- Mesagno, C., Mullane-Grant, T (2010): A Comparison of Different Pre-Performance Routines as Possible Choking Interventions, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22:3, S. 343-360
- Lautenbach, F. et al. (2014): Non-Automated Pre-Performance Routine in Tennis–An Intervention Study, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/10413200.2014.957364
- Mesagno, C., Marchant, D., & Morris, T. (2008). A pre-performance routine to alleviate choking in “choking-susceptible” athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 22(4), S. 439-457.
- David J. Foster, Daniel A. Weigand; Dean Baines (2006): The Effect of Removing Superstitious
- Behavior and Introducing a Pre-Performance Routine on Basketball Free-Throw Performance, Journal
of Applied Sport Psychology, 18:2, S. 167-171 - Bosch, F. (2015). Kracht en coordinatie: een intergratieve benadering. 2010 uitgevers, Rotterdam.
- Robazza, C., Bortoli, L., & Nougier, V. (1998). Physiological arousal and performance in elite archers: A field study. European psychologist, 3(4), S. 263.